Woman who admitted to pouring boiling water on 3-year-old receives maximum sentence–5 years December 9, 2019 child abuse, crime, kids, News, prison, Uncategorized
Mom admits she poured boiling water on toddler to punish him for peeing on the floor October 22, 2019 child abuse, Family, Patricia Buchan, Uncategorized
Heartless staff pour cold water on homeless man charging his phone so he can call his mom October 16, 2019 Dunkin Donuts, Family, Jeremy Dufresne, Uncategorized
Fearless men dive into water after cruise ship passenger in wheelchair rolls off dock August 19, 2019 Lifestyle
Woman buys house for grandparents who never had electricity or running water August 16, 2019 Lifestyle
11-year boy wakes up with horrific burns after friend pours boiling hot water on him August 1, 2019 Lifestyle
Dad of 6 dies from flesh-eating bacteria four days after crabbing with family, “never got in the water” July 18, 2019 Lifestyle