Three-year-old girl gets bullied at daycare, so ‘Batman’ steps in to save the day

School is back in session, and not every kid is happy about it. Many kids struggle to make friends with their classmates… or even worse, get bullied by them.

It can be hard, for both the kids and their parents, to know what to do in those situations. Sometimes the school staff can’t do much to help.

So sometimes, the best thing to do is call in a superhero.

Lydia Calculli is a 3-year-old girl from Crystal River, Florida. She attends daycare, but had been having a rough time the past few months. 

Her mother, Erica Calculli, says that her daughter kept returning home with bruises and injuries. “At first it was very minor and I thought it happened just playing around, so I let it go,” Erica told WTSP.

But the more it went on, but when she returned with a black eye one day it was clear that she was facing serious bullying at school.

“She told me that a bunch of girls and one boy hit her and a girl threw a shoe at her eye,” Erica said.

The mom was heartbroken, and even worse, saw the effects of bullying start to creep in: “She started getting violent towards me and I knew that wasn’t normal.”

She says she contacted the school, but nothing came of it. So instead, she got a little outside help… from Batman.

Facebook/The Batman of Spring Hill

No, not Bruce Wayne—Jack Asbury, an EMT who doubles as a Dark Knight impersonator called “The Batman of Spring Hill.”

With a perfectly convincing cape and cowl and even a Batmobile, this Caped Crusader uses his gadgets to help ordinary citizens in need… just like the superhero does.

“An ordinary man becoming superhuman even without powers,” Jack told Inside Edition.

Posted by The Batman Of Spring Hill on Tuesday, 21 May 2019

Jack saw Erica’s Facebook post about Lydia’s bullying situation, and offered to help.

On August 28, the Batman walked his “new friend” Lydia to school, letting the bullied girl know she has a superhero on her side.

“Hopefully this will help her over come the fear knowing who has her back,” Batman wrote on Facebook.

Posted by The Batman Of Spring Hill on Wednesday, 28 August 2019

He even gave Lydia her own superhero outfit to match, which helped the little girl come out of her shell.

“At first she was shy,” Jack told Inside Edition. “I gave her the superhero dress and explained how she was brave like Supergirl and would love her to be my sidekick.”

Posted by The Batman Of Spring Hill on Wednesday, 28 August 2019

“I knelt down next to her and told her she is going to have a great day and she will be just fine,” he said.

At school, Batman laid down the law, making it clear that if any of the kids bullied Lydia they’d face some Gotham justice.

“While beside her, I looked at [her classmates] and told all of them that she is my very best friend, and I would be back to check on her.”

Posted by The Batman Of Spring Hill on Wednesday, 28 August 2019

It was a gesture that seems to have boosted Lydia’s confidence:

“She said she had a good day,” Erica said. “She seems to be in a good mood.”

And it apparently impressed her classmates. Jack posted an image of a text saying that one of the boys in her class wanted to be her “best friend.” That’s the power of Batman.

Posted by The Batman Of Spring Hill on Thursday, 29 August 2019

More good news: Lydia is being moved to an “advanced learning classroom” at school, Erica told WTSP, which could be the new start her daughter needs.

“I’m really hoping that a new classroom and having Batman by her side, can change the outcome altogether,” she said.

“Batman really saved the day!”

This Batman might not be fighting crime in Gotham City, but he’s still a true hero! Share this inspiring story!

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