Police release new video of moments before 6-year-old Faye Swetlik vanished from her front yard February 13, 2020 Family, Faye Swetlik, missing, Uncategorized
Texas cop comforts his fallen horse partner in her final moments November 28, 2019 Animals, charlotte, houston, police horse, texas, Uncategorized
Grandmother finds out she won the lottery moments after finding out she beat breast cancer November 14, 2019 cancer, cancer survivor, cancer treatment, Community, lottery, lottery winner, Uncategorized, WOW
Photographer captures final precious moments between husband and wife of 65 years October 28, 2019 elderly couple, Family, photoshoot, Uncategorized
Deputy pulls over speeding car, moments later he delivers a baby October 4, 2019 Community, Family, police, Uncategorized, weird news
Mother told children to take seat belts off moments before she crashed — ‘The devil can’t hurt you’ October 4, 2019 attempted murder, car accident, children, Family, mothers, News, Uncategorized