Mom, dad, and 17-year-old son battle three types of cancer at the same time

One family in Florida is going through something unimaginable, three members of their family are currently battling cancer.

“It’s hard — physically, emotionally — but the prayers help us continue on,” Benoit Desclefs told FOX30.

In 2015, Kathy Desclefs was diagnosed with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Benoit learned he had an inoperable brain tumor this summer, and the couple’s 17-year-old son, Luke, was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s lymphoma in October.

Supportful/The Desclefs Family Cancer Fund

“It was too much, especially when it came back down to Luke. It was just too much,” Kathy said.

All three family members have different types of cancer and different prognoses. Kathy, who has been receiving treatment on and off for several years, has a rare cancer so her doctors are unsure how long she can expect to live.

Benoit was given approximately 12 years, and Luke’s prognosis is very good, but still unknown. They hope to get a better idea once he has a PET scan.

In addition to battling cancer, the Desclefs are fighting to keep their family business open.

The Desclefs own a restaurant in downtown Jacksonville, Florida, but between medical bills and Benoit and Jack receiving treatment, it’s been extremely difficult for them to keep their business up and running.

According to News 4 JAX, the Desclefs have had to hire extra help–Kathy continues to work at the restaurant–and have put the business up for sale.

“We are set up for God to show up because it’s so over the top,” Kathy said.

My prayers got out to the Desclefs. One person having cancer is horrible enough, I can’t even begin to imagine if three members of my family had cancer at the same time.

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