Teachers are supposed to provide safe and nurturing environments for their students, and the majority do, but one New Hampshire mother recently found out that her daughter’s middle school teacher threatened her.
“I don’t want this man around my child,” Jillian Miglionico, the girl’s mother, told WMUR.
According to Jillian, her daughter was playing with her hair during class and her male teacher told her to stop.
“She didn’t, and he threatened her and said, ‘Well, if you don’t stop playing with your hair, I’m going to cut your hair off.’ And she was like, ‘No you can’t do that.’ He said, ‘Oh yeah? Watch me,’”
The teacher reportedly took a pair of scissors and cut a three-inch piece of her hair.
Her daughter was so “scared and embarrassed” that she wasn’t even the one to report the incident. Jillian learned about the incident after the school’s principal contacted her – a teacher’s aide had come forward with the unsettling news.
The teacher reportedly missed three days of school during an internal investigation, but once the investigation was over, Jillian said he was back in class with her daughter.
“… it’s basically like a total disregard to her,” she said.
Jillian wants the teacher removed. Do you think that’s the right move?
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