Though it’s true the world can be a dark and dreary place, one where sorrow and grief are ever present staples, so to can it be the platform upon which miracles are born.
According to reports, a baby born lifeless and blue woke up just moments before he was due to be taken off life support.
Oscar Bedford entered the world unconscious, as per the Leicester Mercury, and showed no signs of life. Doctors placed him in an incubator, but with his condition failing to improve he was soon handed to his parents Greg and Chelsea so they could say their goodbyes.
“They said that after taking him off the incubator he would live for minutes or maybe just seconds,” the 26-year-old mum said.
Knowing her little one would never get the chance to meet her grandma, Chelsea called her mom Sally-Ann on Facetime while Oscar was resting on her chest.
Then, in the middle of their call, something incredible happened.
As per the Daily Mirror, Chelsea said: “She was in the middle of the Highcross Shopping Centre when the call got through to her and as we were talking she saw Oscar open his eyes and she just screamed.
“His eyes were open for the first time and it was so surreal – it felt like a dream.
“I sat on the bed and shook my head like people do in films. It was amazing – the best feeling in the world – but I had to pinch myself.”

Chelsea gave Oscar some of her own milk, on the doctor’s advice, but was still warned not to get her hopes up for the baby’s health.
“He was on an end-of-life plan with orders not to resuscitate him – but after three days he was taken off the plan,” Chelsea explained.
Little Oscar has since has since been able to return to his parents’ home in Leicester. He still has health difficulties, but he’s been able to laugh and smile and interact with his mom and dad.
“He’s 18 months old now and he’s like a baby aged under three months but he smiles and he laughs and he loves lights, despite being partially blind,” Chelsea said.

The boy does have a life-limiting form of epilepsy, and it’s unclear how long he’ll survive, but thus far he’s proven a fighter.
“He was in intensive care a month ago and we thought we were going to lose him,” Chelsea explained.
“I don’t know how long I’m going to have with him but while he’s here I feel he should have everything – especially after all he’s been through.”
Miracles do happen, and there can be no doubt Chelsea and Greg will treasure every moment they have with little Oscar.
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