Conor McGregor donating $1 million of whiskey sales to emergency first responders

Conor McGregor might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but few can say his latest act isn’t straight from the top shelf of decency.

The UFC mega-star is donating $1 million of profits from the sales of his Proper No. Twelve whiskey to first responders.

McGregor made the announcement in an Instagram video to celebrate the whiskey’s first birthday.

According to reports, the Irishman has been setting aside $5 from every case of whiskey sold since its launch a year ago.

“Happy 1st birthday to @properwhiskey!!! What a journey it has been so far! We are now in 8 countries to date, with many more planned for 2020! I am so thankful to you all for your support and love of PROPER No. TWELVE!

“I also want to thank the fine Irish women and men who have worked so diligently at the distillery and beyond… what an amazing team we have!

“When we started this business, something very important to me was to give back. For every case we sell, my company donates $5 up to 1 million dollars per year to first responders. I am very proud to announce that we have already hit the 1 million dollar mark! This is all thanks to you! Our fans! Thank you all.”

McGregor went on to add that the donations to first responders would begin next year (2020).

He said: “In the New Year, we will begin donating the first million dollars to first responder organisations. My team is vetting it all out now to be sure it goes into the proper hands. Thank you all for the support! Sláinte.”

Explaining why he chose first responders to donate to, McGregor explained: “These men and these women are the men and women that keep us safe day in and day out, with very little thanks and very little appreciation, and for me, just imagine a building is on fire and these men are running up the stairs, unbeknownst to them what is behind the door. Fearless. In order to save the people that are trapped inside these buildings.

“This to me, I can’t even fathom it, I can’t even imagine it. For me these people are our proper heroes and I just want to give back and give appreciation to these amazing men and women that protect us day in and day out with very little thanks – and they’re not even seeking thanks, they’re just doing it for the benefit of the public.”

I might not agree with everything McGregor says and does, but this certainly seems something worthy of praise.

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