SIGNED: Indiana veterans will no longer pay state taxes on retirement income

It takes an incredibly brave and selfless person to be willing to sacrifice themselves for their country. Some of our veterans gave their very lives in defense of our flag, which is why it’s of imperative importance that we don’t forget them.

Sadly, many veterans aren’t given the respect – and often the help – they need and deserve.

But Indiana veterans will soon no longer have to pay state taxes on their military retirement income, according to WTHR.

On Monday, Governor Eric Holcomb signed House Bill 1010 into law.

The bill increases the income tax deduction for income from military retirement or survivor’s benefits beginning in 2019.

It exempts Indiana veterans and their spouses from paying income tax on their veteran benefits. The politicians hope that this bill will keep more veterans in Indiana and lure them here from other states.

The exemption will reduce state revenue by about $15 million a year, according to the non-partisan Legislative Services Agency.

Air Force photo by Senior Airman Donald Hudson

Personally, I think this should already have been a thing, nationwide. What do you think?

Please share your thoughts in the comment section and please share this article on Facebook if you like this new bill!


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