‘Days of Our Lives’ cast released from their contracts—show will go on indefinite hiatus

It appears that time is running out for Days of Our Lives. The entire cast has been released from their contracts, according to Deadline.

TVLine confirmed that one of the longest-running soap operas will go on an indefinite hiatus at the end of the month. Reportedly the decision to release the cast and allow them to pursue other jobs was made by Corday Productions, the show’s production entity.

The decision comes around the time that NBC and the show’s distributor, Sony Pictures TV, work out a potential renewal. If Days were to be renewed it would be the soap opera’s 56th season.

Those who are worried about the sudden news, will still have plenty of episodes to watch. Since the show films eight months in advance, there are enough episodes to run through summer 2020.

If the show does receive a 56th season, an insider suggests it could be used against the current, former cast.

“It’s actually a shrewd — if cynical — business move,” an insider told TVLine. “If Days gets picked up, [Corday] can offer the actors new contacts at a reduced rate and with a ‘take-it-or-leave’ it attitude. Worst case scenario, they lose half their cast. Best case scenario [for Corday], everyone agrees to return at a lower salary.”

Days of Our Lives is one of just four soap operas still airing on a broadcast network.

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