2-year-old with genetic disorder dies after dad spends $150,000 donations meant for treatment

A toddler suffering from a rare disease has died after his dad allegedly spent all the money raised for his treatments on drink, drugs, and prostitutes.

The Daily Mail report that baby João Miguel Alves lost his battle with spinal muscular atrophy on October 17, whilst his dad, Mateus Henrique Leroy Alves, 37, was found in a luxury hotel where he’d been staying for two months.

Reports claim Alves spent $150,000 on cash, designer clothes, watches, drugs, sex workers and alcohol, and was only located two months after wife Karine Rodrigues reported him to the police.

Mateus and Karine had together started a fundraising campaign for baby João. Facing bills of around $90,000 for each dose of the drug Spinraza, which prevented the boy’s disease advancing, they needed help.

In a show of compassion, the government of Brazil agreed to pay for João’s first three treatments. He received his first dose soon after.

Within a year, almost £200,000 ($258,000) had been raised after João’s hometown staged a marathon.

Yet dad Mateus had other, seemingly more sinister plans. He told Karine he was leaving for a time to train as a security guard. The couple kept the money for João in four separate bank accounts, all of which Mateus had access to.

Karine then grew suspicious when she started to notice large withdrawals and bank transfers taking place. Mateus, meanwhile, has told police he was simply a victim of extortion.

Rest in peace, little João, we hope you’re no longer in pain.

How anyone could take money needed to save their child’s life and spend it on themselves is beyond me.

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