Twins share so many things, so when they don’t share a birthday it’s exciting. At least they each have a day of their own.
It was something Dawn Gilliam and Jason Tello talked about before the birth of their twins. But when Dawn went to the hospital on December 31, 2019 and delivered their daughter Joslyn at 11:37 p.m. it didn’t quite sink in that not only could their twins be born in different years, but also different decades.
Thirty minutes after Joslyn was born, Jaxon was born at 12:07 a.m. on January 1, 2020.
“Everyone in the delivery room was so excited,” Dawn told TODAY Parents.
To make the twins’ births even more exciting, Joslyn was the last baby born in 2019 at the Indiana hospital and Jaxon was the first baby of 2020 born.

“But here we are to this surprise: different dates, different years. That was definitely interesting for us for sure. We’re still kind of speechless still,” Jason told WSAV.
Even though the babies were born early, according to Dawn they’re both doing “really good.” Their personalities are starting to show, Joslyn is a daddy’s girl, while Jaxon is a mama’s boy.
“The other day, when I was holding her, she opened her eyes, squinted really hard and then shut them. I gave her back to Jason and she was happy again.”
Joslyn and Jaxon are currently on feeding tubes and will remain in the hospital until their original due date on February 19.
How exciting! I will continue to pray for these precious angels that they continue to grow so they are able to go home from the hospital soon.
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