The Woodland Animals Decide To Open A Public Restroom.

The woodland animals decide to open a public restroom.

They all participate as best they can to build it, and Owl, the mayor of the woods gives it to the public.

The next day as Owl is taking a stroll, he notices that one of the windows is smashed.

He calls an urgent meeting where all the animals gather together.

I am sorry for this bothersome affair – the Owl says – but I’m afraid the public restroom’s window has been smashed by an unknown individual! Anyone, who’s responsible for or witnessed this act, please step forward.

Amid silence, the Rabbit stands up and apologises.

Well, it just happened to be, that Bear was in the stall next to me, and he ran out of toilet paper.

So instead he grabbed me, wiped his bottom with my fur and threw me out the window.

Because Bear wasn’t in the meeting, and he was the biggest baddest animal around, no one bothered to scold him, and the mayor just asked Rabbit to be more careful next time.

Immediately some volunteers stepped forward to fix the window, and by afternoon it was good as new.

On the second day, the mayor goes for his daily stroll and sees the window smashed again.

He calls another meeting and asks the culprit to step forward.

The Otter stood up.

Well, it just happened to be, that Bear was in the stall next to me, he ran out of toilet paper, wiped his bum with my fur and threw me out the window.

The window was fixed again, and that was the end of it.

On the third day, the mayor sees that the window is not smashed this time, instead, a whole section of the wall fell down.

He calls the meeting, asks if anyone knows about anything.

The Hedgehog stood up.

Well, it just happened to be, that Bear was in the stall next to me…

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