Plymouth Rock among several iconic sites vandalized with red spray paint

Plymouth Rock, along with several other historical sites, were defaced Monday according to See Plymouth, the tourism board for Plymouth, Massachusetts.

“Seeing this type of disrespect for the historic reminders of the Mayflower story is both sad and unsettling,” Lea Filson, See Plymouth’s executive director, said in a statement.

The vandalism occurred during the year of the 400th anniversary of the Mayflower’s arrival in Massachusetts.

In addition to Plymouth Rock, seven other sites, including the Pilgrim Maiden Statue, a commemorative bench, and the National Monument to the Forefathers were also tagged.

Melissa Arrighi, the town manager, called the acts “unfathomable and unconscionable.”

While police began an investigation, crews got to work on cleaning up the vandalism. By Monday evening many of the historical sites had been restored.

“Without the tireless efforts of volunteer Jake Mowles and his expertise, we would not have advanced nearly this far. Our gratitude goes out to him and his love for the Town,” Arrighi said in a statement.

Police Chief Michael Botieri said while there doesn’t appear to be any political motivation behind the vandalism, police are still investigating and searching for a motive.

This is not the first time Plymouth Rock has been vandalized. In 2014, someone painted “LIES” on the monument.

“This kind of thing happens two to five times a year,’’ Department of Conservation and Recreation spokesman Bill Hickey told “It’s just the nature of where it is.’’

Whoever vandalized these sites needs to be held responsible. Share if you agree.

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