
How much does the cork cost?

What does the cork cost?

Here is today’s riddle, in the picture below.

Image: thelaughclub

A bottle and cork cost $1.10. If the bottle costs a dollar more than the cork, how much does the cork cost?

Um, duh, yes, this is an easy one, or is it?

Can you manage to come up with the right answer? Think about it for a while, and then check if you are correct below.

That’s how much the cork costs.

If you have not come up with an answer yet, no worries, many find it tricky to answer this riddle.

Scroll down, you can see the correct answer.









The correct answer is 5 cents.

If the bottle costs $1.05 and the cork $0.05, the result is $1.10, which is the total price.

Trickier than you thought, right?

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