Fire destroys family’s home, but leaves Bible verses written on wall studs untouched

This is one of those stories that you have to see to believe, and even then you still might question how it’s possible. Is it purely coincidental or was something or someone else involved? You decide.

A fire destroyed a home in Livingston Parish, Louisiana late Sunday night. Thankfully, the family escaped without injury, but according to the fire department, the home was a “complete loss.”

However, while the fire completely destroyed the home, there were some very small portions that were left untouched. And now they’ve left many puzzled.

Throughout the home the family had written Bible verses on the wall studs and it was those wall studs that were left untouched.

“What caught our eyes was that the homeowners had written scriptures on wall studs through the house,” Livingston Parish Fire Protection District #2 shared on Facebook. “The fire stopped at the scriptures!!”

See for yourself!

In every instance the fire stopped where the scripture had been written.

Do you have an explanation?

While it’s hard to explain why the scripture verses remained untouched, it’s easy to get chills, especially when you see one of the verses that escaped the fire.

“Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

This is hardly the first time a home has been destroyed and a religious item has been left untouched and it probably won’t be the last. But it never gets any less chilling.

How do you even begin to explain this? Just look at the house! Share this on Facebook and let us know what you think!

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