A Couple Has 4 Children. –

A couple has 4 children too many.

They love s*x so much but they wanted to avoid further pregnancy.

They are not keen on getting a doctor’s advice on birth control methods since it will cost them high professional consultation fees and ruin their budget.

The husband, a cheapskate and ignorant on the methods of birth control, seek advice from a 7-11 store clerk to avoid high doctor’s fees.

The sales clerk recommended the use of c0ndoms.

He asked the clerk how to use the c0ndoms, and he told him to put them on his organ before having s*x.

A month later, the man went back to the 7-11 store and told the clerk that the condom did not work and his wife is now pregnant with their 5th child.

“Didn’t you put it on your organ? the clerk said.

The man answered,

“Well, since we don’t have an organ, I placed it on my guitar instead.”

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