A Cat Walks Into A Bar.


A cat walks into a bar and sees an empty counter.

He saunters up to the bartender and asks for a shot of whiskey.

The bartender looks at the cat and says,

“Rough day, huh? Maybe you should try chasing a laser pointer. That always seems to cheer me up.”

The cat glances at the bartender and then replies,

“I tried that earlier today and it just made me feel like life is meaningless and unfulfilling. No thanks, I’ll stick with the whiskey.”

The bartender pours the cat a shot of whiskey.

The cat glances at it and then proceeds to flick it off the counter with a flick of his paw.

The bartender can’t believe his eyes.

“What are you doing?” he exclaims.

“You just ordered a shot of whiskey and now you’re wasting it!”

The cat looks up at the bartender with a smug expression and says,

“I’m a cat. I don’t drink whiskey. I just like knocking things off counters.”

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