When it comes to restaurants and their policies regarding appropriate clothing and the like, I rarely take umbrage.
I understand that since they’re places where people are eating, certain rules must be observed for the good of everyone.
When the regulations begin to impinge on those less abled or living with disabilities, however, I think we can all agree it’s gone too far.
Sadly, such was the case when one IHOP restaurant banned a little boy from eating there because he had no arms and therefore had to eat with his feet.
Mom Alexis Bancroft fiercely protested the action against her son; she believed the restaurant manager took things way too far.
It’s an argument that seems to be dividing opinion. According to reports, little William, who has no arms, was forbidden from touching containers on the table with his feet because it’s considered unhygienic. The problem is, it’s the only way William knows how to eat.
When Alexis and William first arrived at the IHOP restaurant, they went straight to the bathroom to wash his feet. This is because Alexis knows William touching things with his feet can be unsettling to some customers, and she wants to make sure he’s clean around food.
It soon became apparent, though, that the manager wasn’t prepared to let William eat in the way he needed to.
What’s more, Alexis says she could hear other staff members talking about William’s condition.
It got too much. She took to Facebook to share her experience with others, posting pictures of William in the process.
Not only that, but Alexis also called on people to boycott IHOP until changes are made regarding their policies.
When she and William walked out, a veteran and two women left with them. The veteran’s own food had just arrived, but he left it untouched in a show of solidarity for William.
Alexis told local news station KARK that this is the first time William has been discriminated against in a restaurant for the way he eats. IHOP were quick to issue an apology to the family, claiming they do not tolerate “discrimination of any type.”
It’s certainly an argument that has people sitting on both sides of the fence, but I can see why Alexis was so aggrieved. William is a boy like any other, and given they’d gone to lengths to ensure his feet were clean, what difference could it make? After all, I’m pretty sure not everyone thoroughly washes their hands before they sit down to eat in communal spaces.
What do you think? Let us know your thoughts in the comments box!
Meanwhile, share this article on Facebook if you think William was treated unfairly.